Keyword Tools - Keyword Permutations Tool

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Permutation search is a useful tool that searches for terms that contain the set of keywords ordered in different sequences. This is a more restricted and targeted search, and is particularly useful when you are trying to target a specific group of keywords.

To use this feature, click Keyword Tools from the toolbar, then click Keyword Permutation.

Keyword Tools Menu

To use the Keywords Permutations Tool:

  1. Enter up to 5 keyword phrases in the Search Term field
  2. Select a database to retrieve search volumes from
  3. Check the Historical checkbox to show historical search volumes (optional)
  4. Click the Search button to perform the search

For example: entering the keywords "online,stock,broker" returns:

Permutation search results

If the Historical checkbox is checked, search volumes from August 2006 to present will be displayed, otherwise the search volumes are from the last 12 months, in the selected database.

If "N/a" is shown in the resulting search column, the keyword has no searches registered in the selected Keyword Discovery database.

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